Doorkit Gold professional voor 2 deuren

ACV 30.1240-02
Doorkit Gold professional voor 2 deuren
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ACV complete dempingskit voor 2 deuren zeer hoogwaardig.


7,500 KG


€ 0,00

Standaard levertijd

1 - 3 Dagen



€ 119,00
Prijs per stuk
Het aantal Spaarpunten dat je voor dit product ontvangt is 2
ACV Dempingskit 2 deuren professioneel "Doorkit"

2x Alu-Butyl 800 x 460 x 2.1 mm
2x Multi-Layer 800 x 460 x 4.5 mm
1x Insulation burl foam 800 x 500 x 25 mm
1x Set foam ringen 165mm speaker formaat

Extra informatie:
Doorkit Professional
Many vehicle manufacturers do not provide sufficient insulation of sheet metal parts, aggregate carriers, panelling and other components.

This reduces the sound performance of retrofit speakers due to their resonance.

Reverberant sound components of the speakers are also reflected, distorting the sound. 

Sufficient damping and attenuation optimises the bass response according to the quality of the speakers, the midrange reproduction is clean and the staging is improved.

Decoupling and contact damping of trim parts prevents the generation of ambient noise.

Vehicle acoustics are improved and driving noise is reduced.

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